Sonic mania plus xbox one cover
Sonic mania plus xbox one cover

sonic mania plus xbox one cover sonic mania plus xbox one cover

Sonic Mania Plus is now available on Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC. If you've been affected by this problem yourself, reach out to that email address as SEGA advised and hopefully you can get a new piece of art sent to you in a timely manner. While Xbox One players seem to be the only ones affected so far, if you have the same issue when purchasing Sonic Mania Plus on another platform, you could likely reach out to the same address as well to have your issue rectified. Heir name, address and country of purchase to have a replacement coversheet automatically shipped out at no additional charge.” "We’ve found that some copies of SonicMania Plus on Xbox One have an issue with their double-sided Genesis coversheet being blank on one side.

sonic mania plus xbox one cover

As for Sonic CD, I guess the Xbox 360, Ouya, and Steam versions may be replaced but considering. Speaking exclusively to DualShockers, SEGA told us the following: I got mania plus with the gold cover and the artbook. Unfortunately for some purchasers picking up the Xbox One version of Sonic Mania Plus, this Genesis-style art wasn't anywhere to be found on the flip-side. We reached out to SEGA and asked them about whether or not they were aware of this issue and what those who have been plagued by the error could do.

Sonic mania plus xbox one cover